Monday, December 17, 2007

Bird Watching

Bird watching
PhotoShop & Illustrator 300 dpi
30" x 13"

Trident Chirp Gum Packages
PhotoShop & Illustrator, 300 dpi
4" x 2.5"

School's out! Well at least for the winter break. I'm glad it's finally here because you could clearly see how affected people were by the temptation of Christmas. For our last Information Illustration class we had the panel from the National Post back. Richard Johnson, Kagan McLeod, and Andrew helped critique our final projects. Basically we were told to do whatever we wanted within the confines of a study done over time. I came up with a whacky idea that I wanted to find out my taste in women . . . . . so i did it. Whenever I saw an attractive woman I would write down her characteristics (based on a set criteria) and then address her a rating from 1 to 5. I even got a little black book for it! In the end I created a poster showing my findings and furthermore, I turned my taste in women into an actual product (i.e. gum). I created three flavours based on my collected stats. I actually made hard copies and filled them with gum for the panel, and anyone else who was attending the crits. The presentation went over fairly well. Of course there was minor things they commented on. I'm getting more comfortable trying to sell my ideas and artwork lately. Just in time for next semester.

I wanted to post some animation I have done lately, but the files are too big to post. So . . . . I'll just tell you to look at a few friends animations in the mean time. Check out Yuta's, Juan's, Nimit's, Dave's, Shelly's and Carlie's. I'm now officially in the Bay, so I will be low key for a while. Started some new projects today. I'm sure you will all see them soon.


Carlie Russelle said...

This is too great Greg.
Thanks for the props on the animation, I thoroughly enjoyed yours. Especially the scene with the flying players, what great composition.
Happy holidays!! xo

Yuta Onoda said...

wow i cant believe i missed out your critique on info!!i saw the panel with girls on it but i didnt know you designed the package of the gum!!now it makes so much more sense greg!!nice concept. i love your poster too!what a nice design...kinda makes me sigh...
happy holidays!!!

Rachelle Letain said...

this is... intense.

and hilarious.
jordan brought over one of the gum packs to show angie the other day and i was so confused.
but now i get it. haha.

you're a funny one, gregor.

hope you are still enjoying that mug! haha.
maybe it will help fuel your creative juices... :-P