Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ken & The Door to the Shore

So apparently I complain a lot, my friend told me so after reading some postings of mine. I have decided to be a little more cheerful. Right now I am hammered beyond belief so it may be troublesome. I went to a friend Birthday party tonight, we went on a pub crawl around the city. It was a "Barbie and Ken Party," It was fun, I always enjoy meeting new people. I was "soccer Ken" with full uniform on, I am sure I looked like a total douche, but what ever, I met some cool girls. Lately I have been trying to start another painting. My new one will be called "The Door to the Shore", and I will be beginning it very soon. I took an adventure to the Lake Superior shores last week and took some pictures. I even talked to some possible venue spots about hosting my own show by the end of summer. They were very optimistic about the idea and I am excited to have the opportunity to sell some of my artwork. This last picture is of the trees near the shores of Lake Superior. It will be the final post until I am finished my next painting. I am in talks with some colleagues about starting a group project. The idea is exciting to me considering I have done one group project already. Stay tuned for what events may be coming next.