Thursday, September 20, 2007

Scooby Doo vs. Star Wars

Thom Sevalrud. Professional Illustrator and currently my Interpretive Illustration professor at Sheridan. It is a good feeling when you can sit down with a professional and talk about your craft. For the first project we were to eavesdrop on random conversations and illustrate a two-page spread based on our own interpretations of the conversation. The only catch is that we had to associate the text of our quotes on the left side page. My quote was:

"It's kind of a mix between Scooby Doo and Star Wars."

"It's really poetic."

"What do you mean?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . "

So I brought Scooby Doo and Star Wars into the world of high fashion. The first sketch is a rough of a "Darth Vader" like model walking a "Scooby Doo" like dog. Second rough is the background which is supposed to resemble a runway crowd snapping pictures and also a distant galaxy. Third is the final product (20" x 12"). I was excited in the first stages of the project, but lost interest when the media was being difficult for me. I ended up bringing the image into photoShop and fooling around with it. The in-class critique was positive, and Thom agreed with many of my decisions with composition, space, colour and type. I was less than happy with the quality of work done by the rest of the class. I always want passionate and dedicated people in my class because it influences me in a positive way, either through learning or competition. It's all good, I try to make the best of all situations.

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